Flexible – Free Bootstrap Theme
March 24, 2016Flexible is a responsive one page template with focus on simplicity, making it perfect for corporate, business…
Dlex E-Commerce UI Kit – Free Sample
September 7, 2017The freebie of the day is an original UI kit crafted specifically for online shopping and e-commerce websites…
360 Apple Watch MockUp
February 11, 2016I’m glad to share with you today a high-quality Apple watch mock-up perfect to showcase your app designs…
Tilt UI Kit
February 3, 2016Tilt is a UI kit designed to provide inspiration for your projects while guiding smart interactions. It is design guideline…
Snowflake UI Kit
December 19, 2014Snowflake is a simple yet charming winter themed UI kit released by UI Chest. This kit includes 13 elements…
Baikal UI Kit: Samples
January 25, 2015Baikal is a stylish, pixel perfect UI kit that you may find useful for developing your future web design projects…