Resources tagged: "line"


PixelLove: Space iOS Line Icons

May 31, 2016

Today’s featured freebie is a stunning set of iOS line icons by PixelLove. Each icon is meticulously designed on a pixel grid…


UIcons: 140 Free Icons

December 16, 2015

Treat yourself with this nice collection of 140 crisp and diverse icons, created to help you develop great UI projects…


IconAlone: 110 Line Icons

September 21, 2015

The freebie of the day is a nice collection of 110 neatly designed line icons perfect to use in a wide range of projects…


World Landmark: 12 Free Icons

September 18, 2015

Today we have for you a nice pack of 12 line icons representing some of the most famous landmarks of the world…


200 Windows 10 Icons

July 1, 2015

The freebie of the day is a great collection of 200 Windows 10 icons designed with the same guidelines as the…


Ego – 100 Vector Icons

April 10, 2015

Check out this original set of 100 free icons designed with a radical angular style guaranteed to make your designs…


Ingenicons – 100 Icons Set

March 6, 2015

I’m glad to share with you this fantastic collection of 100 essential icons designed in an ingenious manner…


50 Home and Library Icons

January 24, 2015

Here’s an original set of 50 home and public library themed icons to add to your resource collection. All icons are fully…


CompassCons: 300 Sketch Icons

January 21, 2015

Today we have for you a wonderful collection of 300 dual tone line icons to help you in your future projects…


Puppets: 100 Stroke Icons

January 6, 2015

The featured freebie of the day is a great set of 100 stroke icons created and released by PuppetScientists…


TwoGrey Icons Set

November 24, 2014

TwoGrey is an unique collection of 100 pixel perfect stroke icons designed with two shades of grey on a 48px grid…


Unigrid: 100 Free Vector Icons

November 18, 2014

Today we have for you a free and diverse set of 100 outline vector icons to help you unleash your creativity…


54 E-Commerce Icons

November 5, 2014

Check out this great set of e-commerce icons designed and released by Virgil Pana.This collection includes…


Chubby Icons Free Set

August 28, 2014

Today’s freebie is a set of 49 small, fat and super modern icons created and released by Vlad Cristea. All icons are pixel perfect…


71 Traffic & Transportation Icons

August 5, 2014

This icon set is an great collection of various traffic and transportation icons designed with love by Gustavo Cramez. All icons are…


Pixelvicon Icon Set

July 14, 2014

Pixelvicon is a set of 80 all-purpose icons created by Mohammad Amiri. They are customizable, fully scalable and…


230 Wireframe Icons

June 28, 2014

Today’s featured resource is a set of 230 line icons which will help you build wireframes. They are free for both personal…


Justicons: 140 Free Stroke Icons

June 10, 2014

Check out this nice set of 140 stroke line icons designed and released by Rami McMin. The icons are free…


Stroke Gap Icons – Webfont

May 22, 2014

The previously released Stroke Gap icons come now as webfont. You can get them in various formats…


3px Icons Set

May 18, 2014

Today’s special is a pack of 80 fully editable vector icons designed with 3px stroke width. This exclusive freebie has been…


Linea: Free Outline Iconset

May 16, 2014

Linea is a free set of 350 line icons designed by Dario Ferrando. Within this set you’ll find different categories of icons…


Stroke Gap Icons Set Vol.4

May 4, 2014

The latest volume of Stroke Gap Icons from Vlad Cristea is here! These simple and subtle icons will complement nicely your…


Free Vector Line Icons Set

April 27, 2014

The team at RoundIcons has released a free pack of 50 vector line icons to help you unleash your creativity…


Stroke Gap Icons Set Vol.3

April 24, 2014

I’m happy to introduce the third volume of the stroke gap icons set, 50 more beautiful icons to use in your projects…


Stroke Gap Icons Set Vol.2

April 17, 2014

Here’s the second volume of the Stroke Gap Icons designed by Vlad Cristea. The set includes 50 icons great…


Stroke Gap Icons Set Vol.1

April 8, 2014

Today we’re launching Stroke Gap, a new icons collection from UI designer Vlad Cristea. The set includes 50 icons…


150 Outlined Icons

March 12, 2014

A simple but useful icon set including 150 stroke icons available in PSD, AI, EPS and an awesome Webfont ready to…


Lineart Icons

February 26, 2014

Here’s a collection of uniquely crafted icons consisting of a combination of two line weights, thin and thick…


61 Outlined Weather Icons

February 12, 2014

A set of 61 outlined weather icons shared by Gustavo Cramez, a very talented designer from Portugal…


Nasty Icons: 50 Icons Set

January 17, 2014

If you think you have all the icons you need think again, cause no icon set can be complete without some Nasty Icons…


Streamline: iOS7 Vector Icons

January 13, 2014

Streamline is the ultimate stroke icon collection for design enthusiasts. All of the icons are provided as vector…


White Stripes UI Kit

December 25, 2013

Today’s featured freebie is a stroke based UI kit that includes many useful components. Free PSD created and released…


21 E-Commerce Icons

December 5, 2013

Today’s featured freebie is a nice collection of 21 e-commerce icons designed and released by Virgil Pana…


42 Weather Icons

November 29, 2013

Today’s featured resource is a set of 42 weather icons and a font in which they are embedded, created by…


Cicons: 40 Outline Icons

November 27, 2013

Cicons is a set of 40 outline icons created by Vlad Cristea. All icons are pixel perfect, fully scalable vector shapes…


Simple Line Icons Webfont

October 21, 2013

All 160 simple line icons are now embedded in a webfont for more convenient use on the web or in a native application…


Line Icon Set For UI

October 10, 2013

Today’s featured resource is a beautiful set of infinitely scalable line icons created by Situ Herrera. You are able to use…


34 Thin Icons

October 6, 2013

Thinicons free set just got bigger with 34 new icons created with fully scalable vector shapes. Big thanks to…


36 Thin Icons

October 5, 2013

Today’s freebie is a set of 36 minimalist icons from Rovane Durso. They’re all pixel perfect vector shapes provided…


Simple Line Icons Set Vol.4

September 22, 2013

The fourth volume of the line icons collection is ready to use in your web and mobile projects. These icons are fully…


Simple Line Icons Set Vol.3

August 26, 2013

This is volume three of the line icons collection with 40 new icons, perfect for your web and mobile projects…


Stripes Shadow Text Effect

August 23, 2013

This set contains 6 different text styles to create vintage inspired typography with Photoshop. Use the smart objects…


Simple Line Icons Set Vol.2

August 7, 2013

The second volume of stroke icons collection with 40 new icons to use in your websites, apps and user interfaces…


Simple Line Icons Set Vol.1

July 9, 2013

Here’s a set of 40 simple stroke icons that are great for mobile applications, websites, user interfaces and more…