Search results for "photo"

iOS 7 UI Components
August 17, 2013I’m really excited to share with you some concept app UI components based on iOS 7 visual guidelines. All elements are…

Pressed Cardboard Logo MockUp
August 14, 2013Make a realistic presentation of your logo with this PSD letterpress mock-up. Just drag any shape or text inside the…

Authentic Text Effect
August 11, 2013Today’s freebie is a modern vintage PSD text effect to help you create beautiful typography. Just type your text in the PSB file…

Window Signage MockUp
August 3, 2013A realistic window graphics mock-up to showcase your logo and lettering. Simply edit the smart object to add…

3D Wall Logo MockUp
July 24, 2013This PSD template is handy if you want to present your logo as a wall mounted sign or just for nice 3D text effect…

Popcorn Text Effect
July 18, 2013Today’s freebie is a new cartoon text style that will look great for titles, logos and comics. This effect works with…

Identity / Branding MockUp Vol.3
July 15, 2013A photorealistic branding mock-up perfect to showcase your latest project. All objects in the PSD file are fully editable…